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Another Now

Hailing from: Eindhoven
Genre: metalcore

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Another Now (est. Eindhoven/The Netherlands) express themselves without boundaries, aiming to say anything and everything with unfiltered honesty. The band embraces the wildest ideas, and is not afraid to push the limits. The moment of inspiration takes the lead; whatever comes out, comes out. Their music is a journey through the complexities of the human experience, from introspective moments to high-energy celebrations.

Expect crushing riffs that are accompanied by heavy and dynamic screams, addictive vocal melodies and digital soundscapes. High intensity and swift transitions keep you on the edge.

In 2021, Another Now released their first full-length album ‘OMNI’ in which the band experimented with electronic elements from various musical styles that formed the base for the sound of the album. ‘OMNI’ was produced and mixed by the band’s own Rik Bosmans and mastered by Darius van Helfteren (Noisia, Epica, De Staat).

The band gave a taste of their debut album by releasing singles ‘Parallax’, ‘Trojan’ and ‘Cascade’ which received support from platforms such as Rock Sound, KERRANG! Magazine and Spotify’s ‘New Core’, ‘New Metal Tracks’ and ‘New Blood’ playsts.

The successful release of the band’s previous work combined with their energetic live performance resulted in playing shows with Asking Alexandria, Beartooth, Ice Nine Kills and festivals like Jera On Air and Submit Fest.

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