On Friday 26th, the Cave had their last live bands before their summer break. Myth of Origin, Thoughtless and Pandora’s Key joined forces to bring Amsterdam a night of symphonic and melodic metal. Having hear both Myth of Origins and Pandora’s Keys latest album, we wanted to see how these bands would perform these tracks live. The night was supposed to start at 21.00, but knowing the Cave, we weren’t surprised to have that time delayed by 30 minutes.
For more info about the bands, and pictures of the night, scroll down!

Myth of Origin
Myth of Origin released their album Sane Asylum in January last year. Since then, they have been playing live at various venues while working on new music. The breakdowns in Myth of Origins music hit a lot harder live than on the album. The band also plays one of their newer tracks, which hasn’t been released yet. It’s clearly a track they haven’t been playing for that long, because they can’t perform it flawlessly yet.

Their new music is a bit more melodic and diverse. It’s also a lot harder, and more in line with the current metalcore hype. Their vocalist Claudia however needs to work on her metalcore grunts a bit more if they want to continue in that direction. I hope they will record and release that track soon; this style seems to fit the band a lot better than the tracks on Sane Asylum. There are even some black metal influences in there. Sadly for the band, they had to cut their performance short because of timing.
Time for Thoughtless. They label themselves thrash, but because they don’t have a thrash vocalist, and have quite a lot of vocal harmonies in the tracks they do play, I’d probably label them melodic metal as well. Thoughtless is having a lot of issues during their performance. They were probably feeling the stress because Myth of Origin had to cut their performance short. The guitarist doesn’t seem to be able to get his guitar to work at the start of the gig, and this proved to be the beginning of the end. Even though there are some technical issues, the band still tries to power through with a smile. At least it looks like they have good energy on stage.
After the bass player manages to break on of his strings, vocalist Rebecca even calls it the band’s worst performance ever, and apologizes to the crowd. It takes the bass player some thought, but they manage to get another two songs out, before they call it quits. It’s too bad because the vocal harmonies are really awesome. But you can only take so much and I understand the decision of the band to give more time to Pandora’s Key.

Pandora’s Key
If you’ve ever been to The Cave, you know the stage is very tiny. It’s a bit of a complicated Tetris game to get all the members of Pandora’s Key on stage, so they are probably lucky to have that extra build-up time. This band plays symphonic metal, and in their case, that means they play with a backing track and in-ear monitors. They have a great wall of sound coming our way because of that. However, I don’t really like having backing vocals on a track, and there is A LOT on the backing track. At some point, I even heard some guitarwork on the track, and I’m not sure that was necessary. But that is my personal preference.

liked this band on the album, and the track Icarus had been in my personal playlist for a while now. Pandora’s Key is even better live; there is a lot of energy on stage, and their performance is as good as on the album. Falls The Shadow is impressive live, with two amazing vocalists on stage.
They manage to get the crowd going as well with their headbanging and jumping on stage. It’s hard to stand still with happy music like theirs. They end their set right before The Cave’s curfew, so I’m sure they were glad with the extra time they got from Thoughtless. Next time, maybe two bands instead of three at the Cave! But it’s always a fun place to hang out, so I’m sure I’ll be seeing you there at some point!
Where to find the bands?
Myth of Origin can be found on Facebook or in our database
Thoughtless can be found on Facebook
Pandora’s Key can be found on their website.