Day: 20 April 2023

  • Suicide Prophet – Transcending Powerlessness
  • Suicide Prophet

    Suicide Prophet

    [{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn Suicide Prophet nHailing from: ZwollenGenre: hardcore, groovenn Links to other sites: nWebsite nFacebook nInstagramnYoutubenSpotifynBandcampnnSpotify playlist:nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn Bio: n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:” [if 48 not_like=””][/if 48]nn Suicide Prophet nHailing from: ZwollenGenre: hardcore, grooven Links to other sites: n[if 47 not_equal=””]Website [/if 47]n[if 62 not_equal=””]Facebook [/if 62]n[if 53 not_equal=””]Instagram[/if 53]n[if 58 not_equal=””]Youtube[/if 58]n[if 56…

  • Headless Hunter – The Undertaker

    Headless Hunter – The Undertaker

    Release date: 20-04-2023 Headless Hunter is a 5-piece thrash-metal band from Eindhoven. They are guaranteed to fuck up the stage live, with a ton of energy and a great live set. For that reason, the band was picked to compete and get to the semifinals for the Dutch Wacken Metal Battle this year. The band…

  • Kletus – To Distrust

    Kletus – To Distrust

    Release date: 01-02-2023 Kletus. However similar the name might sound to Primus, they are nothing like it. I heard some similarities when hearing the first tones of their latest album, To Distrust. That went out the window quickly though. Kletus is extreme, brutal, loud, and structured chaos. Deathcore at its core, Kletus brings a shit-ton…