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Anchilly live @NH Metalfest IV

Anchillys started out as a solo project, but has since then formed a complete band an performed at various gigs throughout the Netherlands. Currently the band is working on new music and perfecting their stage performance. I didn’t get too many good shots, but at least you can clearly see the lessons in headbanging we got from these guys.


Beyond the Pale – Monument in Time

There it is! We have been waiting for this EP to drop since the EP releaseparty back in March in Vorstin, Hilversum. Today, the debut EP for Dutch Deathmetal band Beyond the Pale has finally been released. They of course could have only released this EP on the 27th in memory of Jeroen. Give this EP a listen on Spotify or head over to Youtube to see the videos these guys made.

Check out the interview we did with the band here.

Or watch it on our Youtube channel