
Deadspeak – “Pyro was a first”

You just played the amazing underground festival Graveland. What was that like? 

It was amazing! We never played on an open-air stage and also the Pyro was a first one. We practiced a bit differently now and the whole show felt really good for us all. It was great to play at one of our favorite festivals and with a lot of awesome bands.

Is it very different to play at a festival like this, compared to playing in an indoor venue?

Yes, the stage sound was great for us and the audience was a bit further away. But I can’t say it didn’t feel personal. We had a lot of friends in the audience. The show felt relatively normal compared to other shows but the organization around the festival was new for us. An example: our merchandise was sold for us. Also, the get-ins were new. But everything was organized really smooth. 

Even though the weather was bad, metalheads will go hard no matter what. Did you enjoy your time at the festival? Were you there for the whole festival?

We certainly did! When we played the weather was still nice. We already had tickets for the festival so nothing really changed except for the fact that we get to go on the stage ourselves. We all set up our tents at the camp-site and were there the whole weekend. Of course, the death metal bands were all awesome. Big shout out to Mortiferum, Teratoma, Claustrum, Carcass and Centinex for playing a killer set. But there also were a couple of sick black metal bands (especially Lieuwe delves deep into that subgenre) and Overruled was great too. 

You’ve been steadily working towards releasing your first full-length ‘Plagues of Sulfur Bound’.  What has that process been like? It has been in the works for a while. 

Yeah, the process of recording took around 1,5 years. I think we are just perfectionists who wanted to deliver an album as good as we possibly could. We re-recorded and re-amped some things because we knew we could play it better and just paid a lot of attention to details. 

You are releasing it on cassette as well, just like your previous EP.  I see a couple of other bands also release stuff on cassette. Why so retro? What’s up with that? 

Haha, I think it’s just the idea of owning a physical copy and browsing through the booklet, reading the lyrics, and having a sick item. The devil is in the details. Fans of extreme music still like to collect physical media and we think that’s awesome. Support the bands you care about. All three of us do it too! 

You were able to partner up with Raw Skull Recordz. How did that happen? 

Jasper knew Rai from Raw Skull Records for a while. I believe the first contact with him was 2013. Rai saw a lot of potential in Deadspeak early on. So when we began working on this album it was already pretty much agreed on that we released it on this awesome label. 

What can we expect from your upcoming album? 

Well, if you’ve seen our live show for the past two years or so you basically know what to expect. Raw guitars, thunderous low end and tight drums. We have a couple of clean guitar parts and atmospheric interludes. But there’s also of course a lot of straight-up death metal to be found on the record. 

The production for Tidal Disruption is a lot different (more polished) than Dissolve the Dreams. Was there a change in the recording process/mixing/mastering? 

The first demo was a product of limited funds and limited time. We recorded the whole demo in one (long) day. We never really felt it was 100% representative of our live shows but we got a lot of great responses. Which of course was awesome! With the new album Stijn van Gestel took a lot (a LOT) of time to get a great mix and Greg Wilkinson made it come a bit more alive with his master. The process between the demo and the full length couldn’t be more different. 

Your first EP is only available on bandcamp. Why is it that underground (death and black) bands mainly reside there instead of streaming services like Spotify? 

It actually just went back onto Spotify! It was down for a week or two because we had to transfer accounts. We don’t mind making our music available. People who want to buy it will buy it anyway. That’s the awesome thing about this kind of music. 

Last year you had a tour with Master. Are there any similar tours or gigs in the future? What will 2024 bring for Deadspeak? 

That tour was sick! We’ll just be promoting the new album and trying to fix even more shows. Also looking forward to the gig with Civerous and Crematory Stench and we are working on one or two release shows for when the full length comes out. 

Thank you so much for your time! 

It was our pleasure. Thanks for having us and you’ll be hearing more of us. We certainly aren’t done yet!

Want to see more of Deadspeak? Check them out on Facebook, or check out their recording. And of course, stay tuned for the album!

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Graveland Festival – Day 1

Graveland Festival is the place to be if you’re into (underground) death and black metal. This year’s headliners are well worth the 99 euro for a two-day festival. This years’ line-up includes Tiamat, Carcass, Dool, Necrophobic, Tsjuder and Wolves in the Throne Room, besides of course a lot of other bands and even some local legends. Jose was there for us to take some pictures and give us his impression of the festival.

The nice thing about Graveland is that it has only one stage, so you don’t have to choose which bands you want to see. That means that there are bound to be some bands that you’ve never heard of before, but make some pretty interesting music.


Deadspeak describe themselves as Filthy guitars, rotting low end, pounding riffs, and atmospheric interludes. They make nasty death-metal, which is heard on their latest release ‘Tidal Disruption’. They had the honor to open for Graveland this edition, and the sure made the most of it! Their debut album will drop later this year, and they made sure we are excited for that.

More pictures below.

Deathless Void

Soul-shattering grimy black-metal…those words describe Deathless Void perfectly. Operating more in the black-metal underground, Deathless Void stepped out onto the big stage today to deliver a killer performance during Graveland Festival. The squeals from their vocalist made the hairs on our arms stand straight up, and the fire made sure we could feel a least a little bit of heat, since the weather still wasn’t great.

More pictures below.

After some metal, it’s time for food and drinks. Besides the usual stuff Graveland has some good meat too. We need that with weather like this. It’s a bit hard to find a place to actually eat the food, since it’s been raining a lot all day. After a well-deserved food break a some rest in the tent, we’re back to the festival site for some more metal.


Dool is an interesting band. Mixing dark vibes with gothic and progressive metal, we’re not sure how to label this band. And maybe we shouldn’t, with their latest album titled ‘Shape of Fluidity’. Being one of the Netherlands most well-known acts, their versatility means that they fit in well on a variety of stages.

They definitely fit the Graveland stage, as they play a very well-balanced set with plenty of crowd-pleasing songs.

Pictures by Jose Ferreira (@foto.morfose)


Deathless Void


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DeathNight at ACU, Utrecht

Two weeks ago on May 3rd, ACU Utrecht hosted a sold-out deathmetal night with Anapoda, Ecocide, Gutslasher and Rectum Stretchers. Seth was there to take some pictures, so we can re-live the moment! Check all the pictures below this post. Pictures made by Seth (@sethpicturesmusic)

Rectum Stretchers … with a name like that, you know what you can expect. Nasty, nasty music, deafening goregrind. They haven’t released any music on Spotify yet, but they have been around a while. Their next gig will be June 22nd in Dordrecht, so if you need to destroy your eardrums, head over to their Instagram for more info.


Gutslasher is a new death metal band, and they had their debut show this evening. The band had been on stage during the Metal Jam before, and they had been working hard to perfect their performance. Check out the demo they released just in time to get us all warmed up for the liveshows.

Ecocide is a staple in the Dutch Death Metal scene by now. Vocalist Sten is just doing vocals for now, so he has plenty of air-time now he doesn’t have to carry his guitar anymore. Last year this band released their latest album Metamorphosis, but on May 24th they are releasing a new track.

Anapoda plays progressive extreme metal, so it’s hard, loud AND technically challenging. You can find more about them here (@anapoda_official)

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Dauthuz live @ Plague Fest vol. 2

Dutch Death Metal certainly isn’t dead! These guys bring the deep growls, the nasty riffs and all the good death metal vibes. Check them out on Spotify. Pictures of their latest gig during Plague Fest are on the website now.


Beyond the Pale – Monument in Time

There it is! We have been waiting for this EP to drop since the EP releaseparty back in March in Vorstin, Hilversum. Today, the debut EP for Dutch Deathmetal band Beyond the Pale has finally been released. They of course could have only released this EP on the 27th in memory of Jeroen. Give this EP a listen on Spotify or head over to Youtube to see the videos these guys made.

Check out the interview we did with the band here.

Or watch it on our Youtube channel

News Reviews

NH Metalfest IV

On April 19th, the 5th edition of NH Metalfest took place at De Flux in Zaandam. MetalFromNL was there to take some pictures and write a review of the evening. An interesting night it was! Stay tuned for more pictures of the bands later.

News Reviews

Hesken – Architect of Chaos (review)

Sometimes you have an album where you just have to drop everything and sit down to listen. Architect of Chaos is one of those records. I often listen to an album several times before starting the review, and especially the first few times I heard this record, I really took the time to sit down and listen. There are so many layers and interesting riffs in it that to get everything out of it, you really have to listen carefully. It’s also very nice when an album grabs you so much that you put everything aside just to listen to music. That actually says enough about the quality of the band. Let’s dive into Architect of Chaos together.


HESKEN draws inspiration from various bands, and that inspiration is definitely audible in Architects of Chaos. Dream Theater is clearly present, but Tool, Gojira, and even Thy Art is Murder make appearances at times. The sound is grungy, crunchy, and fortunately NOT as polished as it sometimes sounds in some other productions. However, that doesn’t say anything about the level of instrumental mastery of the band, which is truly on another level and surpasses many bands. 

HESKEN manages to blend their progressive influences well with (old school) death metal and other genres, producing a very unique sound. Meticulously crafted and polished, because it sounds like every note on this album has been carefully placed.As befits prog, there are only six tracks on this album, with Dawn of the New Age being the shortest track at just under 5 minutes. In total, the album lasts over 45 minutes.

Architect of Chaos

The album starts calmly with the intro track of The Seeker. After about a minute, the track really begins, with the crunchy guitars of the main riff. However, this track remains mainly groovy, a bit on the slower side, and may even be considered a power ballad. With this track, HESKEN immediately sets the tone by adding some strange progressive breaks halfway through.

With Fearful Leaders, the album really kicks off. The tempo suddenly becomes much higher. The guitar gallops and tight double bass, the clean, strange time signatures lean towards the modern-metal corner. There are even some actual BLEGHS in there. However, with the gritty vocals and guitar melody in the chorus, HESKEN gives it a completely unique twist. It’s quite impressive to completely stop halfway through the track and add an instrumental break. The build-up to the end chorus creates an emotional rollercoaster, making this track one of my favorites right away.


With Conspiracy, HESKEN shows that Gojira and Tool have certainly influenced this album. However, we also clearly hear the Dream Theater influence in the pre-chorus. As for the progression of the album, Conspiracy leans more towards the groove and mid-tempo. However, this is still a heavy track, especially the pre-chorus. My favorite part of this track is the As Above – In between – So Below section halfway through. Harmen also demonstrates his ability to grunt deeply on this track. During the break, we’re treated to a display of instrumental skills from both the guitarists and the bassist. Even vocal harmonies are included, so not only Harmen but also bassist Marijn shows how versatile they are.

Dawn of the New Age is the first track heard from this band, as it was released online as a YouTube clip last year. This first introduction to HESKEN immediately made me curious, especially because it’s clear from the first notes that we’re dealing with a prog band with unusual time signatures. The Dream Theater influence is strong, but it’s well-inspired and clearly not a copy.


Desolation is the longest track on this album at 9.24 minutes. This is again a diverse but above all heavy track. At times, Harmen’s gritty vocals remind us of Chester Bennington. The rhythm for the pre-chorus again reminds us a bit of Conspiracy. However, then follows the most iconic guitar riff of the album, which they then play an octave higher, making it even cooler (kudos to Sven). There’s plenty of room for each instrument to shine on this track. My only feedback for this track would be that there might be a bit too much repetition in the first half of the track, and without that, the track could have been a minute or a minute and a half shorter.

Architects of Chaos ends with Curtain Call, probably the heaviest track on the album. This is definitely the track where the audience goes wild during a live performance. It’s still progressive, but in such a way that it really hits hard. This is probably also the most death-metal track on the album. I’m especially glad that HESKEN kept Architects varied because although this is very cool, I wouldn’t want to miss a track like Conspiracy.”

Final Thoughts

Architect of Chaos is a great debut album from HESKEN. Progressive metal is a hard enough genre as it is, but to display this level of skill in both songwriting and instruments is seriously impressive. HESKEN brings progressive (death?) metal in a way that’s easy to get into for people who aren’t into progressive metal.  My favorite track of the album is probably Desolation, although Fearful Leaders and Conspiracy are pretty high on the list as well. But Desolation captures everything HESKEN stands for, so if you’re only going to listen to one track, maybe it should be this one. 

You can find HESKEN on their website, on Facebook, or in our database.


Release the River announces debut album


Unveiling “Virtues of the Vile,” Release the River’s debut full-length album, a sonic odyssey merging hardcore breakdowns, black metal blastbeats, and death metal grooves. The album shall emerge after the summer’s light dies in september 2024.

“Virtues of the Vile” delves deep into the darkest aspects of the human experience, drawing listeners into a realm of existential despair and spiritual turmoil. The lyrics explore themes of inner conflict, forbidden desires, and the consequences of unchecked greed.

Produced mixed and mastered by our own Mark Bos who did a magnificent job in guiding us into this next level of the blackened deathmetal powertrio.

Artwork made by the wonderful @mordiggianart who encapsulated the ominous vibe of this album.

The first taste shall come in the form of our new single ‘Enthralled’ releasing this Wednesday the 24th of april. Presave NOW via this link.


Bloid – The Perfect Machine (EP)

Bloid, despite their name, play energetic Death Metal. Bloid is Frisian for ‘happy’, and judging by their album cover these guy are pretty ‘Bloid’. They’ve just released a new EP, ‘The Perfect Machine’ and I’ve been enjoying it for a few hours now. Their answer on facebook as to why there are geese on their album cover was ‘why not’. I guess the guys have been playing ‘untitled goose game’ too much during lockdown. That, or there is a pack of killer geese on the loose in Alkmaar that we don’t know about.

The Perfect Machine (EP)

The Perfect Machine is a 6-track EP released early July of 2022. The whole EP is recorded, mixed and mastered during one of many lockdowns by the band members themselves and we are glad they did. It makes this EP feel like you are with these guys in the studio and they are playing these tracks live.

Inspiration and breakdowns

The Perfect Machine is this EP’s title track and the band released a hilarious video to it, that shows these guys probably don’t take themselves too seriously. Severed is the fastest track and I can feel the circle pit building up in the first 15 seconds of the song. Leech is more on the heavier and slower side, and starts with a melodic bass intro that gives us a nice rest before the heaviness starts again with a typical death metal twin kick riff. However, there is some Gojira-like vibe to this track that makes me wonder what bands these guys are inspired by. Also; in line with the ‘Bloid’ theme, the breakdown that starts at 2:48 sounds like the Dutch kids song ‘alle eendjes zwemmen in het water’ would fit over that perfectly, so maybe the band needs to record a version of that to accompany the Geese video they made for the track ‘The Perfect Machine’ 🤣.

Rorschach is probably my favourite track of this EP and I imagine this being a crowd pleaser live. It has the best guitar solo of the EP as well. Speaking of solo’s, at the end of the next song ‘I Am’, there is a bass solo that almost makes the song feel like a rock ballad, which is a big contrast to the fast heavy riffs in the beginning of the song. The final song, Insomnia takes it right back to the heavier side of things, with the growls of frontman Mike in full force again.

One point of critique: of course they aren’t robots and it won’t be flawless all the time. There is a little stutter in the first track (ironically, called ‘The Perfect Machine’) and while normally this wouldn’t really bother me, because it’s the first track it really stood out to me. Luckily the rest of the tracks sound pretty solid.


All in all: The Perfect Machine is overall an uptempo, headbangable circle-pit-in-the-living room kinda release, with blast beats, heavy riffs and death metal rage in the vocals. An enjoyable record to listen to, and a hilarious video that I would definitely recommend 🙂

Bloid bandpage on MetalFromNL

Check out the video:

Listen to the EP