Tag: hardcore

  • I’ll Get By live @Wacken Metal Battle finals

    I’ll Get By live @Wacken Metal Battle finals

    The Wacken Metal Battle finals were a lot of fun. I’ll Get By literally kicked of the night by putting on an energetic live performance. In case you missed it, we did an interview with all the finalists as well! Check that out here: Check out the pictures we took here

  • BRACES – Ugly World (review)

    BRACES – Ugly World (review)

    Do you like a good dosis of ‘BLEGH’, tea-whistles and low gutturals? BRACES got you covered! Their debut album ‘Ugly World’ immediately gave me a huge stankface within the first 30 seconds. It really surprises me how high the bar is set within the Dutch metal scene. The production quality of albums coming out the…