Month: April 2024

  • Zieldoder & Magistraal split EP : Be Silent Like the Night / Fantoom of the Beemserburcht (review)

    Zieldoder & Magistraal split EP : Be Silent Like the Night / Fantoom of the Beemserburcht (review)

    Close all the curtains and light up a bunch of candles because this is a dark one… I’m talking about the Zieldoder & Magistraal black metal split EP: Be Silent Like The Night/Fantoom of the Beemsterburcht from Dutch soil of course. This week’s review is the Zieldoder & Magistraal split EP. Magistraal, a duo with nothing…

  • MetalFromNL Tiplijst #11



    Ja hoor, netjes op tijd, de MetalFromNL Tiplijst! Geen hele volle lijst deze week, 8 tracks in totaal, en zoals je van ons gewend bent gaat het weer een beetje alle kanten op qua genres. Het is dit keer echter wel vooral deathcore wat de klok slaat, het blijft toch een beetje het genre van…

  • Godenbloed


    [{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn Godenbloed nHailing from: EindhovennGenre: black, sludge, postnn Links to other sites: nWebsite nFacebook nInstagramnYoutubenSpotifynBandcampnnSpotify playlist:nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn Bio: n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”

  • Suttungr


    [{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn Suttungr nHailing from: KerkradenGenre: black, Pagannn Links to other sites: nWebsite nFacebook nInstagramnYoutubenSpotifynBandcampnnSpotify playlist:nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn Bio: n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”

  • KFFR


    [{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn KFFR nHailing from: West-FrieslandnGenre: heavy metalnn Links to other sites: nWebsite nFacebook nInstagramnYoutubenSpotifynBandcampnnSpotify playlist:nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn Bio: n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”

  • Durden.


    [{“box”:0,”content”:”[if 63 equals=””][/if 63]nnn Durden. nHailing from: Den HaagnGenre: Crossovernn Links to other sites: nWebsite nFacebook nInstagramnYoutubenSpotifynBandcampnnSpotify playlist:nn[if 59 not_equal=””][/if 59]nn Bio: n[55]n“},{“box”:1,”content”:”

  • I’ll Get By live @Wacken Metal Battle finals

    I’ll Get By live @Wacken Metal Battle finals

    The Wacken Metal Battle finals were a lot of fun. I’ll Get By literally kicked of the night by putting on an energetic live performance. In case you missed it, we did an interview with all the finalists as well! Check that out here: Check out the pictures we took here

  • Anchilly live @NH Metalfest IV

    Anchilly live @NH Metalfest IV

    Anchillys started out as a solo project, but has since then formed a complete band an performed at various gigs throughout the Netherlands. Currently the band is working on new music and perfecting their stage performance. I didn’t get too many good shots, but at least you can clearly see the lessons in headbanging we…

  • Beyond the Pale – Monument in Time

    Beyond the Pale – Monument in Time



    There it is! We have been waiting for this EP to drop since the EP releaseparty back in March in Vorstin, Hilversum. Today, the debut EP for Dutch Deathmetal band Beyond the Pale has finally been released. They of course could have only released this EP on the 27th in memory of Jeroen. Give this…

  • Funeral Whore live @NH Metalfest IV

    Funeral Whore live @NH Metalfest IV

    Even though the lighting was really challenging (and I messed up my camera settings) I managed to get some pics of the first-in-a-while show from death metal band Funeral Whore. Check m out here.